Particle Form & Colors Logo Opener
Form & Colors Logo Opener. The project is meant to be eye catchy and dynamic, the project focus on a particle logo build up with blowing color highlight transition.
Drop your logo and make it reveals in particles and colors. The template includes six color preset : orange, green, pinky, blue, black and white.
You will need trapcode form to use the project. A pre-rendered version for the other effects is included within the archive.
Main features
:: 32Bit version for catchy broadcast colors
:: Dynamic Logo opener
:: Display tagline / slogan + web adress
:: 6 Ready Made Color Preset
:: Trapcode form plugin is required to use the project - A Prerendered version is included for the other plugin
:: Powerfull & Eye Catchy
:: Dynamic Logo opener
:: Display tagline / slogan + web adress
:: 6 Ready Made Color Preset
:: Trapcode form plugin is required to use the project - A Prerendered version is included for the other plugin
:: Powerfull & Eye Catchy